Friday, December 27, 2019

7 Ways Youre Holding Yourself Back From Becoming a Huge Success

7 Ways Youre Holding Yourself Back From Becoming a Huge Success7 Ways Youre Holding Yourself Back From Becoming a Huge SuccessIts easy to identify all the external factors responsible for keeping you from achieving your goals. Maybe you chose a degree in an industry that has seen a recent decline. Maybe your boss doesnt appreciate your work. Maybe your business idea was leveraged by another entrepreneur before you had a chance to patent it. Most of us can list these types of factors if prompted, without much hesitation, but its much harder to identify the ways were keeping ourselves from success- and usually, these factors are much more significant.There are two main problems with self-sabotage that make it notoriously difficult to overcomeIdentification. Its hard to know when youre sabotaging yourself because it often happens subconsciously- and nobodys there to tell you when youre doing it.Improvement. Even if you can identify these sabotaging behaviors and habits, theyre hard to f ix because theyre usually a natural part of your personalityI dont claim to have all the answers, but I can help you with at least the identification obstacle. The following are some of the fruchtwein common ways people sabotage their own long-term potential1. You Give Up PrematurelyWhen faced with adversity, a fraction of people continue and a fraction of people give up this is true for any obstacle. Anyone who gives up instantly abandons hope of progression, while the people who persevere instantly find another chance for eventual success. This sounds simple on paper, so why do so many people give up prematurely? Sometimes its because the amount of effort required for the next phase is intimidating. Sometimes its because they feel defeated and dont want to suffer that feeling again. Sometimes its because they secretly fear success. You owe it to yourself to find out why.2. You Dont Cut Your LossesTheres a psychological principle investment demonstrated by a creation known as the d ollar auction game. Heres the short version people are predisposed to escalate their investment in known unfavorable scenarios simply because theyve already invested in it. In the dollar auction game, this means staking more money in an effort to recoup previous losses, to a ridiculous degree. To you, this may be continuing to work at a lousy job youve already put eight years into. Its bad to give up prematurely, but its equally bad to keep subjecting yourself to compounding losses.3.You Refuse to AdaptThink of your goals as a destination and your plans as a roadmap to get there. When traveling along these roads, you come to an obstacle. What do you do? A conventional traveler would simply re-route the path or choose a slightly different destination. However, in our own lives, were more likely to go back to our point of origin and never mention the incident again. Why is this? Because adapting is hard. People would rather give up than adapt, and that makes it nearly impossible to su cceed few goals can be met without obstacle.4.You Think Youre Good EnoughMost of these obstacles so far have been rooted in a lack of esteem, but too much esteem can also be a bad thing. For example, if you think youre already good enough for the job, you wont prepare for the interview. If you think your business idea is good enough to attract investors, you wont work to improve it. Inevitably, in these scenarios, youll hit a major barrier, and you wont be able to progress. What then, is the solution? Knowing that you always have room for improvement, and constantly striving to achieve it.5. You Fear FailureThe fear of failure is rampantly common and devastating in effect. Culturally, we see failure as both negative and permanent if you get an F in the class, youve disappointed everyone you know and youll never have a chance to take that class again. This fear haunts us throughout life if you start a business and fail, youll disappoint everyone and youll never have another chance to succeed. Of course, this isnt rational- most failures in real life arent permanent. Theyre temporary. They arent negative consequences of bad actions theyre lessons that turn our mistakes into achievements. If you stop fearing failure, youll take more educated risks and youll be more confident in your decisions.6. You Choose ComfortMost of us prefer comfort to discomfort this is why weve created these terms in the first place. Unfortunately, most forms of success require discomfort you have to try new things, go unfamiliar places, do things youre bad at, and meet intimidating people to challenge ourselves to grow. This doesnt mean you should always choose the uncomfortable option. Instead, this is meant to illustrate the idea that uncomfortable often means challenging under the surface, and challenging things help us to grow.7. You Wait for the Perfect MomentWhether you want to start your own business, quit your job, or invest in a new venture, most of us are crippled by waiting fo r the perfect time to pull the trigger. We wait for a little more money, a little more stability, or a little more information. The problem is, the perfect time never comes. Every moment is riddled with imperfections and no matter how long you wait, there will always be a risk associated with your decision. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and just do what you want to do.Throughout this article, Ive highlighted some of the most common and most significant forms of self-sabotage, along with some introductory strategies for how to deal with them. The rest is up to you. It takes confidence, determination, and willpower to successfully overcome these internal mental hurdles, but that doesnt mean its impossible. Know your weaknesses, stick to your goals, and most importantly, dont give up on yourself.mora From Inc.The Simple Daily Habit that Can Catapult Your SuccessGratitude Physically Changes Your Brain, New Study Says10 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself Every Day

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Communicate a Pay Raise to an Employee

How to Communicate a Pay Raise to an EmployeeHow to Communicate a Pay Raise to an EmployeeWhen communicating a pay raise to an employee, the best case scenario is that it is a win-win situation. However, announcing a salary increase is fraught with details that can go wrong if you communicate the message incorrectly. In survey, only 13 percent of respondents said that most to all of their employees understood how variable pay, salary, and benefits work togetzu sich. Nearly one-third of respondents said that most or all employees understood why raises were distributed the way they were, but 45 percent said that only some or few employees understood. For employees to fully understand any pay raise they might receive, the communication must broadly educate them about the companys compensation and compensation philosophy. For example, if your companys philosophy is to give an across the board pay raise annually that is tied to specific economic factors, employees need to understand this rationale. They need to know in advance that they are leid likely to receive mora money than this standard in order to minimize disappointment when you communicate their actual pay raise. The Role of Managers While managers are not solely responsible for communicating about compensation with employees, they do play a significant role. Communications from human resources also play a role in the employees understanding and acceptance of the total compensation package. To communicate effectively with employees, managers must Understand their role and the value that they add when they communicate a pay raise.Understand the companys pay philosophy, such as merit increases vs. the across-the-board cost-of-living increases, variable pay vs. base salary, and so forth.Communicate effectively about the pay raise so that the employee feels rewarded and recognized by the increase. Best Practices Schedule a private meeting with the employee to discuss their pay. During the meeting, consider, be specific about the details of the pay increase and make the employee feel valued and appreciated. Some specific tips include Providing the context for the employees pay raise. For example, if the companys philosophy is to award pay increases based on merit and contribution, let the employee know the rise in pay is to show appreciation for her contributions this year.Telling the employee why they are receiving a pay increase. Be as specific as you can be about the contributions they made during the year.Giving the employee the amount in dollars. In conjunction with your human resources staff, tell the employee the specific amount of the hourly increase or the salary increase, if applicable. Expressing faith and confidence that the employee will continue to contribute and that you will value all of their future contributions.Thanking the employee for their work and commitment to your company.Following up in conjunction with human resources on a written docum ent for the employees file that you mail to the employees home address. What Not to Do When communicating with an employee about a pay raise, there are some statements and actions that should be avoided. These include Failing to give the employee the context for the increase.Telling the employee only the percentage of increaseComparing the employees increase to that of any other employees.Comparing the employees performance to the performance of any other employees.Failing to tell the employee why they are receiving the increase.Placing the emphasis of the discussion on why the raise isnt larger. Potential Challenges While employees generally will be pleased to receive a pay increase, not all conversations will go smoothly. For example, an employee may disagree with the amount of the raise or the assessment of his performance that helped determine the amount of the raise. The best way to be prepared for this is to enter the meeting with as much objective information as possi ble about how the amount was determined and how the employee was evaluated. If the employee still is displeased, make sure to instruct the employee on the proper protocol for lodging any complaints through human resources.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

This is the antidote to failure according to Mike Nichols

This is the antidote to failure according to Mike NicholsThis is the antidote to failure according to Mike NicholsIn her terrific book on creativity,Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert recounts a story about Mike Nichols, who is the prolific director behind many classics includingThe Graduate(plastics, anyone?).Although people tend to remember Nicholss hits, many of his films were flops. Some of the flops would appear from time to time - as flops do - on late-night television. Whenever Nichols would come across one of these failures late at night, hed grab a bucket of proverbial popcorn, park himself on his couch, and watch the whole thing from start to finish.As he sat and watched, whats important is what he wouldleiddo. He would not cringe. He would not look away. He would not blame the damn critics for getting it wrong.Hed simply watch and think, Thats so interesting, how that scene didnt work out. NotIm a loser.NotThis is awful. NotWhat a complete embarrassment.Instead, with no judgme nt, hed ponder, Isnt it funny how sometimes things work and other times they dont?Nicholss approach is the antidote to failure Curiosity. To paraphrase Elizabeth Gilbert, curiosity takes an awful outcome, turns the volume of the drama all the way down, and makes it interesting. It provides emotional distance, perspective, and an opportunity to view things through a different lens.When we shun curiosity and react to failure with shame or anger, two things happen. First, we forego a learning opportunity. You cant do much learning when youre busy berating yourself or shaking your fist at the clouds. Second, when we overreact to failure, we empower it. Failure starts downing energy drinks and doing pull-ups and roars back the next time stronger than ever.In the book,The Art of Possibility, Ros and Ben Zander offer a practical method for disempowering failure through curiosity. Every time you make a mistake, every time you fail at something, they urge you to throw your arms in the air an d say How fascinatingFair warning If youre anything like me, youll grumble when you first do this. As you try to put your arms in the air, theyll go up ever so slowly - as if youre doing an imaginary bench press with really, really heavy weights. And the phrase How fascinating will sound more petulant than joyous.Thats okay. Do it anyway. As you bask in the glory of your fascination, start asking some questions.What if this failure was actually good for me? What can I learn from this? How can I treat this crisis as training for the next one?If you need inspiration, just picture Mike Nichols, sitting on his couch - not complaining about how the Gods have turned on him by broadcasting his biggest failures on cable television for the world to see - but smiling, nodding, and knowing that watching this failure with curiosity means hell do better the next time.Ozan Varol is a rocket scientist turned law professor and bestselling author.Click hereto download a free copy of his e-book, T he Contrarian Handbook 8 Principles for Innovating Your Thinking. Along with your free e-book, youll get the Weekly Contrarian - a newsletter that challenges conventional wisdom and changes the way we look at the world (plus access to exclusive content for subscribers only).Thisarticlefirst appeared

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Guide to Vetting Tech Talent Through GitHub and Stack Overflow

A Guide to Vetting Tech Talent Through GitHub and Stack Overflow A Guide to Vetting Tech Talent Through GitHub and Stack Overflow Technical recruiters have a difficult job especially if they dont have those technical skills themselves. Sorting through a pile of resumes or a long list of LinkedIn profiles to find the right developer canfeel like an impossible task. Its not just the jargon, but also the fact that resumes and LinkedIn profiles rarely properly showcase developers true skill sets.Fortunately, technical recruiters can often turn to sites such as Stack Overflow and GitHubto get a better picture of candidates skill sets in the tech industry.Although developers dont use their public GitHub or Stack Overflow profiles for the express purpose of finding jobs, both profiles allow developers to highlight their technical abilities without having to complete any unnecessary fields like an executive summary or a job-by-job outline of what theyve done, says Rich Moy, developer hiri ng expert at Stack Overflow.Its All Greek to Me Parsing Candidates Profiles on GitHub and Stack OverflowBecause ansicht sites were not designed to connect recruiters and developers, recruiters may not be quite sure how to read and assess a candidates GitHub or Stack Overflow profile. Heres a quick primerThe first thing a recruiter will probably see on ansicht profiles is a lot of code and technical jargon. Thats not what the recruiter should focus on, according to Moy. Instead, Moy recommends technical recruiters look to the following four areas of a profile to find the information they need on candidatesTop Tags/Badges (Stack Overflow) If these technology tags and their corresponding programming languages match your tech stack, this is a good indication that this person can hit the ground running from day one, Moy says.Reputation Points (Stack Overflow)When a developers question or answer on Stack Overflow is upvoted by other community members, he or she receives reputation points. A high number of reputation points indicates that a programmers peers have validated and trust their knowledge, Moy says.Forks and Pull Requests (GitHub)This indicates a developers passion for contributing to the developer community and if your team is collaborative, this is good to know right off the bat. Still, take this with a grain of salt and compare the number of forks and pull requests to that developers overall activity on the site, Moy says. Occasionally, youll find that a programmer has forked or copied a lot of other repositories to inflate their profile. This makes it important for recruiters to look at activity, and not just the total number of repositories on a developers profile.Additional LinksDevelopers tend to include links to their personal websites or blogs on their profiles, Moy says.Reviewing these is an easy way to find out what theyre working on and care about.That said, a developers code cant be ignored entirely. Rather than trying to interpret it themse lves, however, recruiters should partner with their engineering managers to get the job done.Its not the tech recruiters job to evaluate code by his- or herself, and most hiring managers are empathetic to that, Moy says. If youre unsure about a candidate during the resume-review stage, recruiters shouldnt be afraid to askhiring managers or engineers for additional feedback. Over time, youll start noticing trends about how they evaluate programmers and what theyre looking for. At the same time, its important to maintain that level of rapport with your engineering managers and ask for clarity whenever youre unsure about something that you see on a candidates resume.One other important thing to note is the existence of Stack Overflows developer story feature. This feature allows users toopt in to hear from employers and recruiters using Stack Overflow to recruit programmers. The stories themselves give recruiters insight into things that matter to the programmer, like particular projec ts, blog posts, and previous jobs.Behind Closed DoorsCoding is a passion for many developers. Thirty-seven percent of developers consider open-source contributions to be an important part of their continuing education, while 81 percent contribute to open-source projects or code as a hobby, according to the 2017 Developer Hiring Landscapereport from Stack Overflow.That said, many developers arent actively involved in public, open-source communities. It would be a shame to miss out on these candidates simply because they arent as active on Stack Overflow or GitHub.Some developers work for government contracts or large, secretive enterprises, and legally cannot share information publicly online, says Moy. Others simply are just not as active as their peers. That doesnt always indicate a lack of passion or talent.In these cases, Moy recommends looking to see if a candidate maintains a personal website where they post code or write about their work or industry.Public GitHub and Stack Ove rflow profiles are a good way to quickly identify promising candidates, but shouldnt be used as a negative filter to rule out candidates, Moy says.In other words Just because a candidate isnt on these websites, or their profile is less than thrilling, that doesnt mean they wont be a perfect hire.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Up to Work Is - and What it Is Not

What Up to Work Is - and What it Is Not The Up to Work Game When it is just a notlageion, it is advisable for you to select the fresh idea that will assist your business to be optimized. To support you in presenting your idea, you can think about the use of overhead projector thats really functional for your demands. Dont Frivolously Spend on eBooks The very first thing that you ought to do is spend a great deal of money on eBooks. A number of the words could be incorrectly translated or mistyped. An employer whos subject to more than 1 law must occur after the law that is quite generous to the employee. Some states, however, might call for immediate payment. If youre laid off and have not got your final paycheck, immediate payment might be required by state law (although its not required by federal law). Because Texas overtime laws are occasionally complex, it can be problematic for an employee to know whether they should be paid overtime and there are several common misco nceptions regarding overtime. You have to supply the employee with advance written notice before making the adjustment. Such information can assist you if theres a fire in the area of business. For instance, if you cared about health, you may not need to choose a tobacco business to work for. In fact, its a superb region to unwind and relax. The second meal break might be waived if the very first meal break wasnt waived. Bear in mind, it takes lots of hours to turn into a specialist at anything. Following that, youll have more time to spend with sex because you need to work yourself back up again. If youre a teen, perhaps you get a rough time staying focused for a very long time doing work. Just be sure you present an idea which is going to be profitable for your needs so it is possible to take benefits from it. If you select work that you do not enjoy or organizations which you dont believe in, odds are you wont connect with those who work there. In order to reach your aims, youll need to exert a great deal of work. An important point to take into account is that the issue might not be as easy as a drinking issue. Additionally, its also advisable to make sure you are qualified and youve got the requirements a truck driving company is searching for. Well, the very first step on how to locate your dream truck driving job is to learn the appropriate source. By applying the jack, you had the ability to multiply your own ability to get the vehicle off the ground. Another means on how best to successfully locate the correct truck driving job is to ask somebody you know whos in the truck driving field. In any case, the idea given could assist the development of your company and it is going to be a very good thing for you. You dont need to resort to other medical solutions whenever there are several organic methods to find the relief and change you are searching for. Your first solution is using trucking magazines as you will be sure to find job postings there. The thing which you wish to do is learn as much as possible regarding the business you wish to have into. Security ought to be your primary factor. A More Efficient Workplace When you are in charge of your company, you have a million things that you will need to do and people you have to work with. The Key to Successful up to Work You should produce a move now and benefit from the many job opportunities out there Not every kind of job is qualified for overtime, however. The next step is to craft a resume that can help you pitch your distinctive abilities and qualifications to employers in your region. The interview or work fair is wherever your hard work pays off and you receive the opportunity to put on a show. The True Meaning of up to Work So unless your company hinges on every schmelzglas that arrives in, it is best to switch off the email program completely and just check it two to three times per day. The employee cant work more than ten hours each da y without a 2nd 30-minute break, except if the workday isnt any more than 12 hours. After working 12 hours daily, California employees must get double moment. Characteristics of up to Work Merely earning an Overtime rules against such work isnt enough. Men love a great tease and an awesome challenge. The Basic Facts of up to Work Retirees who take some time to brush up their computer skills can benefit from fun and exciting employment opportunities in broad range of occupations. Some jobs just dont need formal attire. Becoming early gives me the chance to decide on the very best location for the meeting and guarantee that the clients arent distracted. There are numerous institutes in the US which provide pharmacy technician training but you have to select the one which not merely provides best PA training but also assists in securing a great job in a superb organization to provide a good beginning in your career.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

3 Things to do When Hiring in 2016

3 Things to do When Hiring in 2016The einstellungsgesprch process has become more competitive than ever before. Success in the digital world demands new ways of thinking, especially when it comes to implementing a more effective interviewing process. Hiring managers and recruiters are rethinking their approach to finding talent and combining the kompetenzprofil that technology has when conducting interviews.Here are some things to consider using when hiring job candidates in 2016 1. Use video technology to interview candidates.The interview process has become increasingly competitive in the recruitment arena and is pushing employers to use technology platforms to recruit and screen qualified candidates.Some of the potential candidates are from the West Coast and are thinking about working in the D.C area. It is economically unfeasible to have face-to-face interviews with every potential candidate so staffing firms are now using video interviewing software features to conduct candida te screening and interviews. Video interviews are convenient and effective way to get more insight on job candidates in half the time a phone interview takes. Additionally, busy medical providers really like the convenience of being able to interview conveniently from their office or home.Ahmed Elsayyad, CEO, Elsayyad Medical Group, LLCWhy AhmedElsayyad_will be using VideoInterviewingSoftware to recruit in 2016Click To Tweet2. Connect with candidates on social media in a new way.When it comes to a hiring search, companies are now using social media as part of the process since all of their potential employees and interns would be handling a good bit of both. In marketing, social media and creativity are two keys to the industry and are musts in todays world.Once candidates send in their resumes and cover letters via emaille, video interviews are scheduled with them before bringing anyone in for an in-person interview.At the end of the video interview, each candidate is told to foll ow up within a few days via Instagram, Vine, Snapchat or any other social medium that showcases their creativity in the best sense. Candidates are able touch on something that discussed during the initial interview or something that shows off their personality. Vine seemed to be the most popular.Once they send it, hiring managers look for some kind of creative spark from the potential candidate something that makes you think, Wow, this is cool and creative. If a job candidate isnt willing to do even a basic assignment like we asked, then its likely that attitude will carry over into their internship or job.This process helps us discover far more about a person than a general interview and also keeps both parties from wasting time with what could be a very poor fit from the start. Shaun Walker, Creative Director/Co-Founder, HEROfarm Marketing and Public RelationsDo you connect with candidates on social media? SocialRecruiting tips from herofarmClick To Tweet3. Submit simple online a pplication forms.The high quantity of recruitment that we conduct for our online booking home services platform isnt for the faint-hearted. As a startup with a small team, we have to leverage technology to deal with all but the final stages of the recruitment process.In 2016, companies plan to utilize online Job Application Forms. This highly intuitive form builder allows hiring managers and recruiters to screen workers through mandatory, single option questions.The power of application forms lies in the fact that it integrates nicely with Google drive spreadsheet, Dropbox and email services such as Mailchimp.It even provides the option to create a PDF version of each application, thats delivered directly to the recruitment managers email account. This is available at hand when it comes to actually interviewing the clients. The complete process reduces the need for printed-paper and storage space.Its only after this process that an initial telephone interview is conducted, which ser ves to assess candidates level of understanding of the role and whether they are suitable for it. Francene Mullings, Founder, HOMUIHow IamFranMullingsleverages technology in the recruitment processClick To TweetHow do you think the interview process with change in the next year? Take a look at one of our recent infographics below for some ideas. 16 Hiring Problems You Need to Solve in 2016 from Spark Hire, Inc.